Program Studi Teknik Sipil-S1
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Industrial Visit and Comparative Study is one of the work programs of the Student Association which is under the Division of Communication and Information. This agenda aims at broadening the students' knowledge regarding construction work where students are facilitated to visit on-going projects in several regions and conduct comparative studies in those regions. With the theme "Implementation of Civil Engineering in Construction Projects", this year's the program is held online using the Zoom platform. This was due to the pandemic situation which made it impossible to directly visit the project site.
This program is based on the awareness that civil engineering knowledge is not sufficient if it is obtained from classroom learning, but it is also necessary to have fieald learnign to understand the real conditions in a construction project. The event which was officially opened by Dr. Ir. Slamet Widodo as the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering Education and Planninginviting two speakers, Drs. Gunawan Wibisono, M.T. as an engineer from PT Duta Sarana Perkasa and Mr. Ir. Listiyanto Kadarono from PT. Cakra M Callingan Jaya. The two speakers are accompanied by Novia Suryadwanti as the moderator.
Mr Drs. Gunawan Wibisono M.T. presents the types and characteristics of precast concrete produced by PT Duta Sarana Perkasa. He also explained the general understanding of precast concrete along with its advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, Mr. Ir. Listiyanto Kadarono describes several stages of the construction process activities including design planning, procurement or auction, followed by construction implementation, the handover process to the final process or the maintenance. He also explains his experiences while running projects with foreigners.
This program is expected to provide opportunity for students to find out about true conditions in a construction project. The students are also asked to continue to broaden their insights using the rapid development of technology.
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